
We come before you today with a heartfelt request for your generous contributions to support our diocese. As a united community driven by faith, compassion, and shared values, we hold the power to create positive change in the lives of those we serve. Your donation, regardless of its size, holds the potential to make a significant impact on the success of our programs, outreach initiatives, and services that uplift the less fortunate and strengthen our congregation. Together, we can amplify our efforts and continue to spread love, hope, and kindness to all corners of our community. We humbly ask for your support in this noble endeavor and extend our sincere gratitude for being an integral part of our journey towards giving and growth. Your donation truly makes a difference.

Send Your Donations / Love Gifts via Bank Transfer

Contact Information

Name: Waqas Aleem, Development Director, Diocese Of Pakistan
Contact Number: +92300-5354995